About us

Zorba Web Hosting — a division of Zorba Media — is an independent web hosting company located in Ithaca, New York.

Meet the Owner and Tech Lead

Michael Pastore

Michael Pastore (aka “Zorba the Geek”) is a publisher and author who has written books and essays about literature, nature, childhood, and humanized technology. He is the List Owner of the fabulous FCNA Google Group discussion list in Ithaca (New York), with more than 2,050 neighbors helping one another in a virtual community. Pastore loves making websites, reading poetry and novels, studying human potential via the Funconscious Mind, bicycling, walking, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, and camping outdoors under the stars.

“The greatest discovery of my generation
is that a human being can alter his life
by altering his attitudes of mind.”

William James

We take care of the technology
so that you can focus
on the important stuff.

Web Hosting
Domain Names
